Exporting Your Survey Data with SPSS

March 23, 2011

I’m sure you’ve used Alchemer’s exporting capabilities to export your data over to Excel or have used the pre-made Summary, TURF, and Cross tab reports, but did you know that you can export your data to SPSS to do even deeper data analysis and manipulation?

We’ve actually just updated our SPSS export, so it now has even more functionality than it did just a few weeks ago.

How SPSS Export Works

It’s simple. First, just head over to the Reporting tab and click on Create & Manage Exports. Select the SPSS icon (Note– You will need an Team Edition account in order to export to SPSS.

Here, you’re able to change how you name data before you start the export to SPSS. You can manipulate the:

  • The Variable
  • The Variable Label
  • SPSS Data Type (We auto-sense what it should be, but if you want to change it, you have that ability)

Being able to manipulate this before you export it is a unique feature to Alchemer’s export and will save you hours of recoding time.

Once you’re done renaming and reassigning the variables, all you have to do is hit the Run Export Tab and you’ll have a .SAV file that can be opened into SPSS without any trouble.

Now that you have the file already, I’d recommend checking out a couple of other blog posts about using SPSS for data analysis here on the blog, from one of our SPSS experts, Joe Glines. He’s covered:

Creating and Manipulating Survey Variables Using SPSS
SPSS Variable and Value Labels: A Quick Tutorial
SPSS Analysis Tips: The Temporary Command
Recording States into Regions Using SPSS



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